Threats to information systems
Ø Technical Failures :
# Hardware problem
# Software problem
( Hardware problem )
1.Hardware failure (e.g. hard disk crash, file server failure) :
Hardware will fail. It's a fact of life. Hardware with moving parts will fail more often. That's another fact of life. Don't be surprised when it happens: be prepared to recover and move on!
- backup!- redundant (backup) hardware (e.g. RAID 1 storage where the PC has 2 hard disks and data is simultaneously written to both disks)- keep computers comfortable: airconditioning (PCs hate heat and humidity), dust and smoke free environment, no dropping or jarring PCs, no liquids near PCs, no plugging/unplugging of components while the PC is running (except for "hotswap" devices).
( Software problem )
1. Software failure :
No software is perfect. There are bugs in even the best-written programs. A bug can destroy or corrupt data.- have backups handy- test software thoroughly before relying on it- test software with your hardware in case the software is incompatible
Monday, February 16, 2009
Posted by siti aminah bt mohd naim at 8:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

** my luv cybersquatting site..... **
** Go to OPAC IIUM, find three books from Law, Human Science and Technology. Get the call numbers and ISBN numbers.... **
law book : title- evaluting higher education
call number - LB5L236E
Human science book : Title - Ethical issues in social work
call number - HV10.5E84h
ISBN- 00000400903
Technology book : Title - The channel Tunner Part 1
Call numbers - TF238C4C4581
ISBN - 00000613418
**Bro. Asmady's blog is so nice................... **
when i first time view this page, i thought this is website but actually this is a blog..that is something new for me.....
This blog have many,i can get many information from this blog..
eventhough ,It is simple blog but for me it is very nice and lots of gadget...
**Name the URL for Kulliyah of ICT.**
** Go to CFS IIUM Library, find 10 books that categorized under Red spot collections...**
- Homicide In Islam : Legal stucture and the evidence requirement
- The addministration of justice in Islam- an introduction to the muslim conception of the state
- Image of deriance and social control: a sociological history- Dr. Ahmad A.Nasir
- The Dynamics of mass communication
- Knowing one another : Shaping an Islamic anthropology Merryl Wyn Daries-By Daries,Meryyl Wyn
- Political sociology: Structure and process/ George Andrew Kourvetanis By Kourvetanis
- Population: An introduction to concept and issues/ John R.Weeks By Week,John Robert
- Social science concepts : a user guide
- The Experience and meaning of work in women lives
- Al-Muhaddithat : The women scholar in Islam.
Posted by siti aminah bt mohd naim at 9:00 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. berkata, "Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda :
Apabila seseorang dari umatku membaca ayat Kursi 12 kali, kemudian dia berwuduk dan mengerjakan solat subuh, nescaya Allah akan menjaganya dari kejahatan syaitan dan darjatnya sama dengan orang yang membaca seluruh al-Qur'an sebanyak tiga kali, dan pada hari kiamat ia akan diberi mahkota dari cahaya yang menyinari semua penghuni dunia."Berkata Anas bin Malik, "Ya Rasulullah, apakah hendak dibaca setiap hari?"
Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W, " Tidak, cukuplah membacanya pada setiap hari Jumaat."Umat-umat dahulu hanya sedikit saja yang mempercayai rasul-rasul mereka dan itu pun apabila mereka melihat mukjizat secara langsung. Kita sebagai umat Islam tidak boleh ragu-ragu tentang apa yang diterangkan oleh Allah dan Rasul. Janganlah kita ragu-ragu tentang al-Qur'an, hadis dan sunnah Rasul kita. Janganlah kita menjadi seperti umat yang terdahulu yang mana mereka itu lebih suka banyak bertanya dan hendak melihat bukti-bukti terlebih dahulu sebelum mereka beriman.
Setiap satu yang dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W kepada kita adalah untuk kebaikan kita sendiri. Rasulullah S.A.W menyuruh kita mengamalkan membaca surah Kursi. Kehebatan ayat ini telah ditearngkan dalam banyak hadis. Kehebatan ayat Kursi ini adalah untuk kita juga, yakni untuk menangkis gangguan syaitan dan kuncu-kuncunya di samping itu kita diberi pahala.Begitu juga dengan surah al-Falaq, surah Yasin dan banyak lagi ayat-ayat al-Qur'an yang mempunyai keistimewaannya. Setiap isi al-Qur'an itu mempunyai kelebihan yang tersendiri. Oleh itu kita umat Islam, janganlah ada sedikit pun keraguan tentang ayat-ayat al-Qur'an, hadis Nabi dan sunnah Baginda S.A.W. Keraguan dan was-was itu datangnya dari syaitan.
Posted by siti aminah bt mohd naim at 8:30 AM 0 comments